Friday, May 05, 2006

Washington Prom

As many of you know, I recently attended the White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner here in DC. It was one of the best moments of my life and I’ve decided to start doing it every year.

Last year, I met Trey Parker. That was, and will probably forever remain, the single best moment of my entire life. It was the realization of a dream I’d had for so many years. I think, of all the people alive today, Trey Parker (and Matt Stone) and Larry David are probably the funniest. I respect humor above all things, and that’s why Trey was such a hero to me for so long.

Before, I had always just hung out in the lobby before everything started to see everyone arrive. But at this year’s event, I attended the pre-dinner parties for the first time.

The year, the dubious honor of being my favorite person at the event goes to another Colorado boy, American Idol hottie, Ace Young.

I know a lot of you thought I’d say that the greatest moment this year was meeting George Clooney, and believe me that was like a 9.8 on the scale of awesome stuff. The only problem with meeting Clooney was that there was simply no time to chat. He was infinitely excellent for the few brief moments I did talk to him, but it was only a short handful of sentences.

I liked talking to Ace because of the cool familiarity I had with him and the bond we shared talking about middle schools, high schools, and growing up in Boulder. I have no idea why, but it’s so weird to me to realize that there’s a whole town of people who grew up with the same sort of experiences as me. I remember Crossroads Mall, Boulder High vs. Fairview football games, eating at Pasta Jay’s, and so many other weird Boulder things that I was sure only a tiny group of people I knew shared with me. I felt this same weird surge of familiarity when I was talking to Trey last year about CU and Boulder stuff.

On top of having the cool Boulder connection with Ace, it was fun to talk to him because he is just so damn hot. His gorgeous eyes just sparkle and his smile is so sexy. I could never resist talking to someone who looked like that AND came from Boulder too!

I was never a big Idol fan before this, but suddenly I find myself Googling him and trying to find clips of his past performances on YouTube like some 13-year-old middle school girl! The worst part is I know how much my friends will, and frequently do rip on me for this. And they should, I’m ripe for ridicule. My taste in guys this year has been so all over the charts that people would think I have multiple personalities. I won’t name any names, but so far I’ve had little crushes on a dancer, a film geek, a communist, and now an American Idol contestant. Clearly, I’m losing my mind.

Regardless of my weird taste in men these days, I had a ton of fun at “Washington Prom” as people call it here. It was the perfect end to my senior year… hmmm, maybe that’s why I feel like a giggling high school girl.

For more info about Trashwire at the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner (including more pictures, my play-by-play of the parties, and clips of Stephen Colbert's roast) please click HERE .