Thursday, July 20, 2006

Big Brother - Week 2

Week 2 and already so much to talk about…

First, I must admit I was totally stoked when Kaysar won HoH. This entire time, the only person I really want to watch is him, and I was going to be so mad if he was the second one evicted. Nothing could have been better than for him to have total immunity.

Like most of you, I expected great things from Kaysar’s reign. I hoped for a great strategic move that would allow BB6 to rule the house for weeks to come. I hoped he would make a bold move and nominate Will and Mike “Boogie”, the two most annoying people ever to play the game. I figured this would be the most probably course of action because both those two douches had made it extremely clear that they were going after Kaysar. They want to be the stars of the show and their egos just can’t handle someone else being in the spotlight… but I’ll get to that later. I was constantly on the live feeds and Big Brother Chat ( trying to find out the inside scoop and get all the updates on what was going on in the house. Imagine my reaction when I found out that Kaysar, my absolute favorite and the one I had the highest hopes for, had not nominated the two biggest threats but instead, two harmless girls who were the only ones left in their pitiful alliance. Like the rest of BB6, I was totally disappointed. The move wasn’t strategic at all, it was a cop out, and that’s coming from someone who adores Kaysar.

Kaysar later explained to his infuriated team that he thought long and hard about what to do and decided upon the nominations without consulting them because he figured it was the best move. He said that he didn’t want to nominate Will and Boogie because if he was the person who got one of them out, it would make him a star of the house, the King of Big Brother. He was afraid that this kind of attention would make him an enormous target. While I understand not wanting to draw attention to yourself as a force to be reckoned with, sometimes you have to make bold moves for the good of the house and your team! Do you think Dorothy was afraid of becoming a target for the flying monkeys when she dropped the house on the wicked witch? Kaysar would have been a hero not only to his team, but to all the viewers who are increasingly annoyed with Will and Boogie’ s circle jerk. Alas, I feel like this is going to be one of those moves that comes back to haunt BB6 just like last year when Maggie manipulated Howie into nominating James and Sara, two members of his own alliance, as opposed to taking down the obnoxious Nerd Herd. I only hope BB6 can control the HoH position for another week, time enough to clean up this mess.

The other big controversy this week involves the Evil Doctor himself, Will Kirby. I don’t think I’m alone in saying that I feel a bit ripped off by Will’s in-house behavior. While Will wasn’t voted back into the house by viewers, much to his shock and horror I’d imagine, he was placed in the house as one of CBS’ picks. I’m sure the network, like most of us, expected the charming, sexy and manipulative Dr. Will of BB2. What we got was a puffy, pale, over-Botoxed, self-righteous, egomaniacal, aging and washed-up has-been of the former fan favorite. Who is the new Dr. Will and what has he done with the hottie we all knew and loved? Sure, Will had brief moments of humor, like when he told Kaysar he was the “Brad Pitt of Muslims”, but for the most part, I feel like this whole show is now CBS puckering up and kissing Will’s ass for no reason. He has made them his bitch. He makes diva demands at the drop of a hat, his sleazy diary room comments are vomit inducing, and he constantly sings, talks about prohibited content, or plugs his business endeavors just to sabotage the live feeds into dumping out to the oh-so-annoying fire shot. Perhaps it’s his way of taking revenge on viewers who didn’t vote him back in, but it’s gone beyond moderately annoying to down right malicious. That’s why I’ve decided to say, screw Dr. Will! I won’t watch feeds that he’s on or feeds where I can hear his voice. I won’t ever vote for him on the “Love ‘Em or Leave ‘Em” poll on the official website, and I just might start fast-forwarding through any of his diary room segments from now on.

My only hope now, seeing as Kaysar’s week is already at a close, is that whoever wins HoH tonight makes the right decision and nominated horrible Dr. Will and his fugly flunky Boogie for eviction. They’re aging has-beens who have no place in a game with superstars like Janelle and Kaysar. While I can’t be sure if anyone else has the guts to do it, I know Janelle and James would be willing to eliminate this irritating duo. That’s my optimistic prediction for next week: either James or Janelle as HoH and Boogie and Will on the block. It really doesn’t matter which one goes at this point, just as long as one of the members of “Chill Town” (the name alone makes me puke) is gone next Thursday.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Big Brother 7 - Episode 1: The Phantom Menace

The BB7 season is upon us and I bring you my opinion of this season's heroes and villains. Though there has only been one show so far, I've been fanatically watching the live internet feeds... And here's my opinion so far. Who's stock has soared, and who's has plummeted?

Janelle- This 'buxom blonde' has proven that she's as tough as she is gorgeous winning competition after competition. Though it's not officially been spoken, she's the leader of the BB6 alliance this season and sits opposed to the evil doctor as one of the strongest players in the house.

Jase- Can a man transition from a shirtless douche bag into a likeable class clown? Jase proved that the answer is a resounding yes with his 'lay low' strategy and smart-ass quips that rival even the evil doctor's wit. Many are left wondering when the real Jase will come out... Because no one can change THAT much!

Danielle- I never thought I'd see the day when I actually hope that this master manipulator DOESN'T get evicted. She should stay because she poses no immediate threat, but also because she makes for good feeds with the way she can pull personal information out of the house guests without them realizing. Just look at the conversation she had with Kaysar as she got him to open up about women, his family and even a Yanni concert.

Kaysar- You know I couldn't do one of these lists without giving props to my boy! He's looking fine and playing his cards close this season, a good move in this ego pageant. By not intentionally stealing the spotlight, he keeps the house from viewing him as a threat and hopefully that will keep him in the game for longer than last year.

Mike 'Boogie'- Not only is Boogie an aging star wannabe, but he and Will believe they control the show, the live feeds, the viewers, and the network. It will be a pleasure watching BB6 burst his little ego bubble!

Dr. Will- The man who came into the game as a legend will probably leave with the reputation of D-list reality diva. Will's 'us vs the viewers' attitude grew old fast as he intentionally sabotaged the live feeds and paraded around like lord of the manor. With all the trash he talks about BB, one can't help but wonder why he signed up for another season. I half expect him to pull a Jeri Manthey and split before the show's over just as the notorious Survivor villain did at their infamous All-Star reunion show.

Dianne- We all know Alison's evil, but we weren't sure about Dianne until she joined forces with the devil herself. The worst part about Dianne is her constant transparent attempts to seem confident. How many times has she said that she isn't going to fall for Will or that she isn't jealous of Janie? Viewers are left thinking, 'that's right, keep telling yourself that and maybe someday it'll come true.' Dianne was strong on her season, but she'll leave this house looking like a pathetic groopy.

Howie- It pains me to say this, but Hurricane Howie seems to be wearing out his welcome. No matter which feed you watch, you can always hear Howie's loud repetitive jokes in the background. He follows Will around like a puppy and is too easily swayed by the line of lies the D-listers feed him. While I hope BB6 stays together, look for Howie to be the first one targeted when things get ugly.

That's it for now, but be sure to tune in to Big Brother tonight and every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday to see if you agree with my opinions and predictions.

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